Thursday, December 23, 2010


Christmas is coming in two days and I don’t really feel it coming. It isn’t snowing here, there will be no “white Christmas”. I don’t feel like unwrapping presents and move the golden balls on the Christmas tree. I bought few presents for some friends and for my boyfriend, more to make them smile rather than “because it is Christmas”. I have not even waited for Christmas day to open the presents that my friends gave to me. Really, I just don’t feel it.

I am only able to think about the other half of the world, the poor one. Those people won’t have any presents underneath their tree, they don’t even have a tree. Who knows if they actually know what Christmas is. They don’t even have a home, in some cases. They don’t know what “celebrate” means. They have nothing to celebrate. Not to talk about all the wars going on. And what about us? We are just showing our status off, we are basking in our richness and wealth (most of us should not even dare telling me that they are doing all this because of their faith, I hardly think that God would want us to celebrate his birthday spending all our money to buy presents to each other). And what for? Please, tell me.

In the end, the most important thing is that we are fine. Who cares about the whole world falling to pieces today.


Apparently, I look younger than I am. This morning the postman would not believe that I am of age until I said that I am twenty and he was almost going away with the certified mail addressed to my mother! I know every woman would love to look younger… but looking younger at twenty means looking like a child, and I don’t want to look like a child, I AM TWENTY YEARS OLD, for God’s sake!!!

Ok, I will be twenty for real in three months. I feel obliged to specify it, but I don’t really think it is substantial, is it?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am sorry to start with a bad post, but I really hate it. I hate it when you strive to be close to someone, to make them smile, to cheer them up and eventually they just turn away and put you down when their life gets better. I hate it the most when “someone” is my sister. What have I done to deserve this? I think I will never know.

I also hate to bother you with this bad-mood post. I promise the next one will be an interesting and happy post. So don’t stop following me! Uhm, I feel like I am talking to nobody here. Ok, I stop it now. It has been a bad day.


Hi buddies! Here is a brand new blog. In case you are asking WHY this, the answer is coming: I am in a good mood? I will write about it. I am in a bad mood? I will write about it. I have just read a new book? I will write about it. I have watched a good or a bad movie? I will write about it. I have been in a beautiful place? I will write about it. Well, I guess you catched the point. I will spread my feelings on this blog and you will read pieces of my mind, pieces of me. I think I need to do this. Why? You will find out, step by step, following this blog.
Just stay tuned.